Sunnyside Academy


Baby sign language is the practice of using simple language to assist parents, family or child care workers communicate with pre-verbal babies. Believes that teaching babies sign language before their speech develops promotes confidence.



Using sign language with babies can have many benefits:

· Practical: Less fussing and more fun

· Emotional : Creates a closer bond with parents and caregiver

· Cognitive: Boost Brain development



Using sign language before they speak can dial down your baby’s frustration and dial up their confidence that you will listen and respond. Many parents report fewer temper tantrums in older babies who sign.



Sign language increases a child’s vocabulary and helps them remember words as there is muscle memory involved. The more senses involved in their learning, the greater a child’s memory retention will be. Baby sign also stimulates brain development and studies have highlighted that signing children had a 12 point higher I.Q. than non-signing children in future I.Q. tests.

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